County Lines
A Literary Journal

Open Submissions

March 16, 2025August 15, 2025
The reading window opens on March 16, 2025, and closes at 11:59:59pm on August 15, 2025 (eastern time, USA).

[These rules and guidelines can also be downloaded as a PDF here.]

County Lines: a Literary Journal is published annually by the Carolina Piedmont Writers Guild, showcasing a curated collection of the finest poetry, prose, and interior art/photography by creators of all ages from all over North Carolina Piedmont, the United States, and beyond.

Writers, poets, and artists with works accepted for publication will receive one complimentary copy of the journal.

General Restrictions

How to Submit Your Work

one submission = email + attached work(s)
(limited to one category: prose, poetry, or art)

Detail: The Attached Work(s)

Filenames of your work should include your last name and a shortened title. Examples of submissions by Lewis Carroll, Virginia Woolf, Samuel Clemens (pen name example), and Leonardo da Vinci (art example):


Prose submissions may contain only 1 work of prose of no more than 3,000 words (excluding title).

Poetry submissions may contain up to 3 poems (each in a separate .docx or .doc document) of no more than 30 lines each, excluding title and stanza-separating empty lines. Restated: up to 3 poems, each no longer than 30 lines, each attached as a separate document, to 1 submission email.

Art submissions may contain up to 3 separate .jpg images.

Formatting the content of your work …


By submitting a work for consideration, you implicitly grant one-time publication rights to the Carolina Piedmont Writers Guild in the event the work is accepted for inclusion.

All proceeds from the Carolina Prize contest help fund the Carolina Piedmont Writers Guild’s efforts to promote and support the activities and endeavors of the Guild.